Dairy Farm Handling Using PHP and MySQL
Dairy Farm Handling is web application which handle all the things i.e. admin who manages all details of items, categories, how many items are sold and many more and Customer can ordered easily.
What is the purpose of this project? So it handle all the information about dairy farm, like how many product are there and which company, how many category of item all the information show by the admin. Admin can easily show the how much money to earn by today and also show the yesterday earning and show the total earning till now in dashboard. In dashboard shown the total number of companies, categories and products also.
Customer can order the item and generate the invoice .Customer can check own record using invoice number or contact number.
Interface Requirements:
- User Interface
Front-end software : Sublime Text
Back-end software : MySQL(XAMPP)
2. Hardware Interface
A browser which supports HTML,CSS and Javascript
3. Software Interface
Operating System : I have chosen Windows because it is Good support and user friendliness.
Sublime Text : To implement the project I have chosen Sublime Text because it gives us autocompletion, Syntax Highlight. So write a code is easy.
Database : I have chosen MySQL using XAMPP because it’s provides Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP. So it is useful for me.
It includes two types of user.
1 admin(owner of the Dairy Farm)
2 customer
Home Page: Customer is login and then he/she can order the items and customer don’t have any account. First of all Customer can easily sign up and then ordered. Admin must be login and then shown all information about Dairy Farm.
Features of Admin side:
Admin can change own profile and also change password.
Dashboard: Admin can shown all the details about of company, product and category in shortly and also see the earning of today and yesterday.
Category: admin can add new category or manage the old category.
Company: admin can add new company or manage the old company.
Product: admin can add new product or manage the old product.
Search: in this particular section admin can search the item like milk, butter, bread etc and add into the cart and then create the invoices for customer.
Invoice: admin can view all the customer invoice and customer all details.
Report: in this part Admin can view particular sales details of customer between gape of two date and one more is view for sales.
Features of Customer side
login : First of all customer is login or sign up and then login.
Customer is shown your invoices by using own invoice number or another one is contact number and see the details.
Customer add the items in shopping cart and then confirm the order.
After confirm the order customer get one invoice.
Flowchart :