Invoice Generating System

Katha Vachhani
3 min readJul 21, 2021


The need for software is felt, as the earlier system is manual thus requiring lot of paper work and making it difficult to keep track of all the previous Sale, Product and their Stock. The system will give the advantage of keeping track of all Sale ,Stock at any given point of time thus eliminating paper work.

Invoice Generating System is web based application which handle all the things i.e. admin who manages all details of items, categories, products and generate the invoices of orders.

Interface Requirements:

  1. User Interface

Front-end software : Sublime Text

Back-end software : MySQL(XAMPP)

2. Hardware Interface


A browser which supports HTML,CSS and Javascript

3. Software Interface

Operating System : I have chosen Windows because it is Good support and user friendliness.

Sublime Text : To implement the project I have chosen Sublime Text because it gives us autocompletion, Syntax Highlight. So write a code is easy.

Database : I have chosen MySQL using XAMPP because it’s provides Apache web server, MySQL database and PHP. So it is useful for me.


Here, we can see you some snapshot of our website.

  1. Homepage: admin can login and after the successfully login redirect to the next page (manage invoice).

2. Manage Invoice: admin can show the all record of invoices


3. shopping cart: buy the product and click the checkout button then generate the invoice.

4. view invoice: admin can show the invoice.

5. admin can manage or update the category.

6. admin can manage and update the products.

7. admin can easily short the record of invoices between 2 dates.

8. admin can update your profile and also change the password.



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